Ex Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman is once again under investigation after a shoplifting complaint was made by an Auckland supermarket.

Ghahraman has already pleaded guilty to four previous shoplifting offences in early 2024 relating to $9000 worth of stolen clothing and accessories from three different stores.

The most recent shoplifting escapade is said to have occurred at a Pak n Save in the Auckland suburb of Royal Oak.

A police spokesperson has told media that they would not comment further due to privacy reasoning but confirmed the alleged incident took place in late 2024.

Ghahraman’s lawyer however has not denied the allegations.

Pak’nSave also would not confirm details of the shoplifting complaint when asked.

“We have responsibilities around respecting people’s privacy, so providing information on whether an individual is known or not known to our retail crime teams is not something we can help you with.”

Ghahraman resigned from Parliament on January 16, 2024, less than a week after her shoplifting allegations were made public.

In October 2024 at Auckland District Court, Judge June Jelas denied her request for a discharge without conviction.



Photo Credit: Newstalk ZB