The ACT Party is calling on Auckland University to bin its compulsory courses covering the Treaty of Waitangi, saying it is a “perversion of academic freedom” and “indoctrination”.
This year the University of Auckland launched its first Waipapa Taumata Rau (WTR) courses this semester, which are compulsory for first-year undergraduates.
A University spokesperson hit back at the ACT party saying the courses are faculty-specific and necessary for the students studies.
“The courses focus on knowledge associated with this place, our university, our city and our country and why it matters for their programme.”
Leader of the ACT party David Seymour said there was an element of truth and that the University is independent and can make its calls, however, he intends to hire “better people” to the university council who he said have the “ultimate say”.
Seymour added that he was frustrated the university hadn’t ”quite got the memo that the people changed the government”.
The Party’s spokeswoman Dr Parmjeet Parmar is worried that “international students are being forced to pay thousands of dollars” for the course.
“It’s no wonder Auckland University is slipping down the international rankings when they’re charging students up to $5730 for a course that has no relevance to their studies or future careers abroad,” Parmar said.
A university spokesperson said there were five different courses on offer, one for each faculty, which “will be particularly helpful for students coming from outside of Auckland including our international students”.
“The WTR courses offer core knowledge and essential skills to help transition new students into university, helping them adjust to university life and setting them up for success in their future studies.”
Photo Credit: NZ Herald