ACT Leader David Seymour says Jesus would’ve supported his party after suggesting that he would get his party’s nod of approval if he were to run for mayor in Auckland and Wellington.

This came after he announced that he would be standing for local government on a platform to reduce wasteful spending and confirming ACT would not be endorsing candidates in Māori wards and was not seeking to endorse any mayoral bids.

Seymour said, “If Jesus comes back and says I want to stand for Auckland for mayor of Wellington, we might say ‘buddy, with that hair and beard, how could we not endorse you’.”

When asked if the J man himself would support Act, Seymour said, “You know what, I believe that Jesus very well might support Act from what I know about him.

“Jesus believes that each person had inherent dignity,” Seymour said, adding he believed people deserve to be treated with universal human rights.

“In many respects, the underlying teachings of Jesus and the Act Party overlap,” Seymour added.

The ACT party leader has also previously suggested that Kate Sheppard and some of those who signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi would have been Act voters.

However, he did clarify that he is not promising to disinter Jesus or any other historical figure to stand for mayor or any other position.



Photo Credit: Reddit