Kiwi scientists have finally confirmed that ghosts exist, but instead of haunting your house, they’re lurking in the Pacific Ocean. 

“Ghost Sharks,” or Spookfish, aren’t actually supernatural, just fish related to sharks and rays that would rather stay out of sight. 

They do not have scales and their skeletons are entirely made of cartilage.

Discovered by Dr. Finucci and the NIWA team, one was found hanging out in the Chatham Rise, which lies to the east of New Zealand, they typically live at depths of up to 2,600m.

Dr Finucci said the species stood out for its unusually long snout, which can make up half its body length.

The Spookfish was initially thought to be part of a species found around the world. However, research later revealed it was genetically different to its cousins and lived exclusively in Australian and New Zealand waters.



Photo Credit: NIWA