It’s not everyday you are hit with a mystery as perplexing as this. 

A Christchurch resident who lives down a private driveway is mystified as to why someone is leaving used tea bags along the top of his fence.

William Gibney who has had quite the live experience, living in the city for more than 10 years in multiple rental properties but he has never experienced something like this in his first Edgeware home.

He moved into his house just two months ago and noticed the teabags but numbers have increased since then, he has said the teabags have been placed and not thrown.

“So somebody would have had to go out of their way to place them there.”

He took to Reddit to see what local community users have said, some suggested it was a quirky way to mark the property for burglary whilst others have said it was a way to deter bugs and insects.

For the meantime, Gibney is waiting on the arrival of his security cameras in the hopes to catch the phantom teabagger.

The real question is it someone or something?